"Hands Only"  CPR
     Introducing :

   Chest Compression CharlieTM

      A Revolutionary New Solution for CPR ( CCR ) Trainers

 >  Featuring  the patented  
     Chest Compression Simulator :   HCS 110

 >  Dramatically enhances  "psychomotor skills"  building  
     proper muscle memory

 >  Provides tactile realism for 
     Chest Compression Forces and Thoracic Rebound 

 >  Provides tactile realism for the feeling of tearing costal 
     cartilage and / or cracking of ribs

 >  Includes "Staying Alive" audio to guide compression rate

 >  Implements latest A.H.A. guidelines Min. 2" & Feedback

 >  Carefully researched, engineered and patented

 >  Training results are more meaningful and "they stick"

Heart Compression Resuscitation  LLC
                                Oro Valley,  Arizona 
 A New Standard for "Feel'n Real"
        CPR Training Manikins
 "Hands Only" 
 Training Video